
An asynchronous, generic A*(a-star) solver.

View the Project on GitHub tssweeney/async-astar



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Read About A*(A-Star) Algorithm Here

This module provides an asynchronous, generic A* implementation that can be used to solve various puzzles, games, or graph traversals. There are 2 main concepts to understand: neighbors and heuristics. Check out the tests for usage examples, but here's a quick overview:


var AsyncAstar = require('async-astar');
var options = {
  initial: {StateObject}
  neighbors: {Function},
  [heuristic]: {Function},
  [timeout]: {Integer},
  onComplete: {Function},
  [onTimeout]: {Function}
var solver = new AsyncAstar(options);
StateObject {Object}

An object used by the solving algorithm to represent a single state in the puzzle/game/graph. The three required fields are:

// ->
// {... action: 0 ...}

Additionally, if you need to store information that is needed to determine a state's neighbors or heuristic, append those attributes to this object. This might be x/y coordinates of your player.

initial {StateObject}

An object that represents the initial state to solve from.

initial: {
    id: "x1y5"
    state: 0,
    // action is null, because it is the starting state. Nothing came before.
    action: null,
    x: 1,   
    y: 5
neighbors {Function}

A function that accepts a single StateObject as the only parameter and returns an array of neighbors. For example:

neighbors: function(state){
    var neighborStates = [];
        x: state.x,
        y: state.y
    return neighborStates;

Note, let's say that there is a game-rule (business rule of the game - maybe a wall or something) that is stopping the player from moving up. The MyGame.moveUp.getState() call should return a StateObject that has the same id as the original state. The A* algorithm can then understand that the move resulted in the same state. This is also how the algorithm resolves circular paths.

[optional] heuristic {Function}

A function that accepts a single StateObject as the only parameter and returns an integer - the lower the value, the better. A heuristic is an estimation of "closeness" to the end and defaults to a function returning 0 for all states. Read more about the principles of a heuristic here: wiki. For example:

heuristic: function(state) {
    var endLocation = MyGame.getEndLocation();
    return Math.abs(state.x - endLocation.x) + Math.abs(state.y - endLocation.y)
[optional] timeout {Integer}

Number of milliseconds before timeout is called and solving halts. Defaults to no timeout.

onComplete {Function}

Function that is called once the solution has been found. It accepts a single argument that will have 3 attributes:

onComplete: function(result) {
    if (result.success) {
        console.log("The steps(" + result.cost + ") required to solve the puzzle are: ", result.actions);
    } else {
        console.log("There is no solution to the puzzle.");
[optional] onTimeout {Function}

Called if the solver times out. No parameters needed.

onTimeout: function(){
    console.log("Solver timed out.");